The Town & Gown Conference, a first for South Africa


In what is probably a first for South Africa, the University of Stellenbosch (SU) will hold a conference bringing together a group of small town universities, similar to Stellenbosch, to discuss issues relating to meaningful campus-to-campus partnerships. and cities.

The two-day "Town and Dress Conference" is part of the commemoration of the centenary of the SU in 2018.

  • Members of the media are invited to attend the conference which will be held at Ou Hoofgebou (former main building), Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch, November 28-30, 2018.

The "city and the dress" are the two distinct communities of a university town referring to the non-university community and the university community. Although the term has strong historical connotations, particularly referring to ancient learning places like Oxford and Cambridge, it is also used to describe modern university cities as well as cities with a long history. important public university.

Prof. Hester Klopper, Deputy Vice Chancellor: Strategy and Internationalization, said that, in the spirit of the centennial commemoration of the League of South Africa, "this conference is a unique opportunity to reflect on the past interactions between the university and the city, as well as to transmit new opportunities for collaboration ".

Commenting on the conference, Professor Wim de Villier, Rector and Vice-Chancellor, said the conference would explore the unique relationship typical of university cities and cities around the world – the interdependence between staff, students, faculties and divisions and the people, companies and governance structures of the cities and villages in which they are located.

"SU is proud to be one of Stellenbosch's anchor institutions. In fact, it's part of our self-definition. We are acutely aware that our institution is rooted in a local ecology, among others, and that we too have a role to play in addressing challenges such as poverty reduction, job creation and inclusive economic growth. As a research-intensive university, the SU primarily fulfills this role by providing highly qualified graduates, providing cutting-edge research that offers solutions and innovations that address societal challenges and is a major employer in the region. "

A recent study by the SU Bureau for Economic Research (BER) found that the University's economic impact on production is estimated at R 5.1 billion in 2016.

The participants are from Bath University, Coventry University and the University of Durham, England; the University of St Andrews in Scotland; Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland; University of Lund in Sweden; the Goëttingen University in Germany; Queen's University in Canada; KU Leuven in Belgium; Penn State University in the United States; and the University of Rhodes and the University of Fort Hare in South Africa.

Themes include Why is the relationship between city and dress important? Towards social cohesion: Complexity and opportunities of a strong link between city and dress; The role of sport in the meeting of the city and the blouse; Restore relationships with the community; Economic impact of the dress; Town and Gown in favor of internationalization and How student projects are engaged to create a community in the community while developing the skills that underpin the attributes of graduates.

Source Stellenbosch University

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