The world is teeming with global security concerns


Twenty-six years ago, I attended a Commonwealth Study Conference organized by the Duke of Edinburgh in Oxford, England.
The conference brought together representatives from all Commonwealth countries to discuss how best to make the world better for everyone. The conference split into groups and I joined the group that went to Northern Ireland, a disputed country, also known as Ulster by sections of the Irish community that forms this society.

Meanwhile, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) militant was at war with the British Army for control of Northern Ireland. Among the sites we visited was a prison called The Maize, which at the time was the only prison housing IRA prisoners and auxiliary fighting forces of the British Army.

I spoke to a prisoner who had killed a whole family of the opposing group. I asked him if he had changed his mind after the years that he had spent in jail. When his answer was negative, I asked him if he would do the same thing. His answer was: "It does not matter; I will kill them all if I find them. "

The football club Derry United has met a visiting team from Scotland. Supporters gathered in the thousands, dressed in shirts with different messages. Two of these caught my attention. One of them said: "Live free or die". The other read: "In truth, I have traveled the whole world, but Ireland is my home and my home. And oh, that the soil that my old bones cover will be cut off from the ground that trots through the free.

But my experience of the visit came from a 70-year-old economics professor who had spent half of his adult life in a British prison after being captured in action as a rookie in the United States. IRA against the British Army. Professor Perbeddy asked me the following question: "How is Namibia going?" I said we were fine, we did not know what he wanted to know.

He smiled at me with irony and said, "This world is a vicious circle, you have the era of corruption that led to the era of the revolution that gave birth to the era of the freedom, which again feeds the era of corruption; discontent, the cycle is reproducing. Whenever I happen to happen all over the world, including my own nation, Perbeddy's words come to mind.
I watched a documentary about the war in Iraq and saw American troops dropping food shipments and then airlifting families stranded by war in the mountains. A mother rushed with her seven year old daughter and they managed to cross the helicopter rush before closing the doors. The girl inspected the lines and when they cleaned the windows, she looked out as the helicopter lifted into space, she bent over her mother's lap and was shouted loudly: "Where is my father?"

All in the helicopter gently pushed back their tears, knowing that the little girl was not alone.
Al-Jazeera announced that 400,000 documents had been disclosed a few years ago. They detailed the war atrocities perpetrated by the forces involved in the war in Iraq. Subsequently, the names of some of the culprits were published, which sparked intense debate in the United States of America and Iraq. I remembered similar stories of atrocities and espionage in past wars spanning decades, documented over the years, and I exclaimed, "These parallels are frightening."

John Stockwell wrote a book titled "In Search of Enemies" in which he gave details of America's involvement through the CIA in the war in Angola in the 1970s. The book offered an instructive reading of the politics of that time and its global ramifications.

Medelin Kalb wrote a book called "The Congo Cable", in which she dealt with the war in Congo in the 1960s, a war that led to the partition of the Congo between Congo Brazaville and Zaire. era (today the DRC). This war has created problems, including the arrest and assassination of the elected President of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, by Belgium and its allies. As with our Hendrik Witbooi, the tomb of Patrice Lumumba has not been discovered yet.

So many literary contributions have been written about the role played by the strongest nations in the marginalization campaigns of the weakest and most vulnerable nations, posing as saviors for the most part. Closer to the region of southern Africa, Ken Flower has written a book called "Serving Secretly." The book begins with Prime Minister-elect Robert Mugabe, who talks with Ken at a reception organized by the British on the eve of Zimbabwe's independence. Mugabe tells Ken, "We know what role you played under Ian Douglas Smith's regime against our war of liberation. But I want you to serve the nation of Zimbabwe as the leader of our intelligence. "

Ken accepted the offer and that is how the real Ken Flower appears in his book. Another book on Zimbabwe was written by an author whose name I forgot and entitled "I see you in November". The book reveals the backdrop of ZANU-PF's assassination of Herbert Chitepo and illuminates the enigma – the enigma surrounding the assassinations of key players in the fight for Zimbabwe, including Dr. Parirenyatwa and General Tongongara of ZANU-PF.

Global tensions are as old as the human race and they are in no hurry to calm down. By following these events, I feel more and more the impression that the cold war has returned to the world, but with a paradigm shift in political and economic interests, and this change is leading to a propensity for contemporary strategic alliances.

Only time will tell where countries like Namibia will be in the larger system and how much our country will certainly be affected.

New Era Reporter
2018-11-28 11:04:52 42 minutes ago

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