Theo-Ben Gurirab leaves a legacy for the ages


Theo-Ben Gurirab leaves a legacy for all eternity

NAMIBIANS will make this weekend with the rest of the world a last goodbye to one of the country's leading architects of diplomacy, Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab

. not very versed in history and his altruistic and consistent service to his people, this event can strike as a mere element of news, whose tastes are a basic element of our 24-hour information world in this age.

we must hasten to point out that this great loss, though foreseen to a certain extent as death is inevitable, is an overwhelming significance not only for Namibia, but also the presentation of Africa before the rest of the world, and we should dictate how the rest of the world remembers this diplomat par excellence.

The death of Gurirab, Saturday at the age of 80, ended a life of integrity, courage, wisdom and grace.

Gurirab also left a life of work in the name of our national Constitution and the liberation movement. It is important to see its achievements in Namibia and beyond as a universal example of resilience, determination and rebirth.

His passing requires that all Namibians take their time to celebrate his life and relearn the lessons he has taught, as they were numerous.

In the corners of the world where the struggle for freedom persists, the lessons of Gurirab's life can provide hope and perhaps comfort that justice can overcome injustice.

It may not be a coincidence for the inner workings of the universe that his death comes just days before the birthday of another great African, Nelson Mandela. Like Mandela, the persistence of Gurirab and the insistence that freedom and justice belong to all human beings provided him with the moral armor necessary to accomplish what seemed impossible in Namibia a few decades ago. .

Both Gurirab and Mandela will be venerated as tireless leaders of the movements that liberated those living under colonialism.

These statesmen, among a long list of others, will always be among A While Namibia lost one of its greatest sons, the world lost an inspiring leader with a noble nobility. Mind

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