Two Mariental men in court for rape and murder


As the country continues to experience an orgy of killings and violence against women, two men from Mariental have appeared separately in the Windhoek High Court, facing a series of charges ranging from rape and murder.

The old Gerold Hennly Matlata appeared for the first time for allegedly killing Debora Snyman illegally and intentionally during the period from September 18 to 19, 2015 in Mariental.

According to the state, Matlata was unlawfully and intentionally smuggled into the residence of the accused with the intent to rape her by resorting to physical force and threats.

The state further alleges that the accused, after the act, stole the deceased's handbag.

She died inside her residence at the following address: 525, Tulbach Street Mariental.

Matlata is in court grilling for a separate account in which he is accused of assaulting another woman, Elizabeth Maria van der Merwe, covering her head with a piece of cloth, strangling and beating her in an attempt to cut his life

This incident occurred between February 7 and 8, 2013, after the accused again broke into his victim's house and violently violated it with his family. threats

. with N $ 100,000 in cash, two check books, a purse worth N $ 500, sunglasses, credit cards, lipstick and a driver's license.

The state alleges that this occurred during the evening hours while the victim was alone at Erf 530 Aub Street in Mariental.

Between June 29 and June 10, 2012, the accused attacked another woman, Line van der Westhuizen, in Mariental, strangling her, kicking her and beating her with a glass bottle to try to murder him

. It was after he broke into his house and violently raped her, then took away with a pack of cigarettes, states the state.

All this happened during the evening hours, when the victim slept at FNB Apartments.

His case was postponed until August 23rd.

Meanwhile, another 29-year-old man, Hendrik Atab Swartz, clashed with Judge Liebenberg with seven counts of murder, rape, attempted murder and assault with the intent to cause crimes. serious bodily injury.

In 2016, the state alleges: Swartz killed a 16-year-old girl, Estonovia Games, after she was raped by the application of force and threats.

The same year, Swartz allegedly assaulted another girl, Chantell Gabriel, by strangling her with the intention of murder and allegedly managed to rape her by using force and threats.

Three years prior to these incidents, the accused allegedly attempted to murder another Mariental woman, Juanita Susanna Sonn, stabbing her with a knife and strangling.

He also raped her, according to the state.

The same day, it is said that Swartz illegally attacked Stephanus Thomas by stabbing with the intention of causing serious bodily harm.

His case was postponed until August 23rd.


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