United to compete with Netflix, a broadcaster informs UK networks


In addition to innovating to compete with Amazon Prime and Netflix, White said British broadcasters should continue to collaborate with them.

"Global players recognize the value of localizing their content," she said. "But if they want to order genuinely British programs, these American companies will have to rely on the public service traditions, regional bases and world-class talents that drive content demanded by British viewers."

Ofcom's statistics show that in 2017, subscriptions to streaming services for the first time overtook traditional pay-TV channels like Sky in the UK.

"Far from fearing the FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google), it's now an opportunity to welcome them," White said. "Netflix and Amazon are already major investment partners for British television … and the subsidiaries of our studio broadcasters will benefit from this investment."

However, she noted that the process involved "compromises", with broadcasters facing ultimatums such as the renunciation of fundamental rights – the right to broadcast a program before the streaming service – in exchange for funding.

The streaming giants have a long history of working with British broadcasters to produce content for their platforms. Netflix is ​​currently working with the BBC on a new production of Dracula, while Amazon has produced programs such as Vanity Fair with ITV and King Lear with the BBC. "Good Omens", the next original British show from Amazon Prime, is produced by BBC Studios.

A spokesman for the BBC told CNBC by email: "We have long been advocates of collaboration, as you can see in the past, and we are aiming for a lot of things that we are looking at the future positive regulatory environment is essential for the future. "

Earlier this month, British politicians called on the UK government to protect traditional TV channels from "sweeping" by the power of online broadcasting services.

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