Windows 7 still powering 184 million commercial PCs


Windows 7 still powering 184m commercial PCs

  Windows 10

Image: Microsoft

The aging operating system leaves support in January 2020

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Read more: Microsoft Windows

About 184 million commercial PCs – in small and medium-sized businesses, in large corporations and in government agencies – still use the rapid aging of Windows 7, according to Microsoft .

This figure includes all markets except China, according to the company, with the highest percentage – one in four PCs, or about 46 million – in the United States.

Microsoft raised the 184 million Windows 7 PCs earlier this month at its Inspire conference, where Redmond presented partnership opportunities when migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

Windows 7 should be abandoned on January 14, 2020. After this date, no security update will be performed. provided. In other words, most customers only have 18 months to exit Windows 7 and turn to a newer operating system – Windows 10 is the only choice – or risk leaving behind. unprotected systems and thus to hack and exploit them.

already moved to Windows 10, Microsoft claimed. Among the other statistics that he has bragged about at Inspire, Microsoft said that there were 200 million active Windows 10 commercial devices in the world, a little more than those of Windows 7 (at the exception of the massive Chinese market).

Windows 7, 50% were in business, 30% in small and medium enterprises and 30% in general government. Nearly two-thirds of these machines were more than five years old, said Microsoft, a potential gold mine for partners bringing together new hardware, software, and services for customers wanting to deploy Windows 10.

] IDG News Service

Read more: Microsoft Windows

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