YouTube videos may provide misleading information about prostate cancer


YouTube videos may provide misleading information about prostate cancer

The most popular YouTube videos on prostate cancer often offer biased or misleading information about prostate cancer, posing potential health risks to patients.

According to the NYU School of Medicine and its Perlmutter Cancer Center, in the United States, studies have found that 77% of YouTube videos on prostate cancer contained factual errors or biased content, either in the comments or in that of the video. Misleading information about prostate cancer has serious consequences for people with the disease or who want to know more about the associated symptoms.

Misleading information about prostate cancer

The study found that 75% of the videos comprehensively described the benefits of various treatments, while only 53% captured enough of the disadvantages and potential side effects. Another 19% recommended alternative or complementary therapies that have not been proven. The researchers highlighted a potentially dangerous example in which a video promoted "injection of herbs" into the prostate to treat cancer, an assertion unsupported by medical evidence.

The researchers said the YouTube audience for the videos reviewed was large, with an average total audience of 45,000, but up to 1.3 million.

More than 600,000 prostate cancer videos are published on the social media platform.

The credibility of YouTube videos

Researcher and urologist Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc, who chairs a group of social media experts from the American Urological Association (AUA), says, "Our study shows that people really need to be wary of many YouTube videos about prostate cancer. "

"They contain valuable information, but users need to check the source for credibility and be cautious about the speed with which videos become obsolete, with care guidelines constantly evolving with science.

The latest US guidelines last year recommended that men between the ages of 55 and 69 talk to their doctor about the risks and benefits of screening for prostate cancer through blood tests.

Loeb describes how many popular videos pre-date this change and also encourages more aggressive treatment than is currently considered medically necessary for a low-risk disease.
It is essential to avoid misleading information about prostate cancer

It is essential that healthcare providers refer their patients to reliable sources of information about prostate cancer. Loeb encourages other doctors and providers to participate in social media platforms such as YouTube to produce videos with factual advice.

According to Loeb, the volume of videos on YouTube prevents medical experts from constantly reviewing them as part of any law enforcement effort. But, she adds, doctors and other viewers should use the YouTube reporting feature to alert video owners with misleading information.

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