NASA animates images of Jupiter and its moon, Ganymede


NASA’s Juno spacecraft has been orbiting Jupiter for just over five years. Some of the goals of the spacecraft are to measure the composition of the planet and the strength of the gravitational field. Tons of data have been sent back to Earth, including information about the incredible sprites, elves, and colors of Jupiter. Now he’s sent back footage of the closest flyby in his history.

NASA converted these images into awe-inspiring animation for everyone to enjoy.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory created the awesome animation and shared it on the NASA YouTube channel. The description of the video indicates that on June 7 and 8 of this year, Juno moved closer to Jupiter’s ice-encrusted moon, Ganymede, than any spacecraft in more than two decades. The animation consists of images that the space probe captured on those particular dates.

To animate the images, NASA projected them onto a digital sphere. Next, the JPL team added “synthetic frames” to the video to detail the approaches and departures of Jupiter and its icy moon.

Seeing thunderstorms in Jupiter’s wavy atmosphere – which really looks like cream mixed with coffee – for example, is a real visual treat. Just like the scars and craters of Ganymede. (The moon is one of 79 orbiting Jupiter, and it is the largest in the solar system.)

An animation of Jupiter made up of images taken by NASA's Juno spacecraft.

An animation of Jupiter made up of images taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.


What is perhaps most incredible about the appearance of Jupiter and Ganymede is how nostalgic it all is. It’s almost inviting human beings to explore these amazing worlds, which are so similar but different from ours. Although it might just be the clip’s Sagan-esque score that makes us jones for more old school Cosmos.

For those who prefer not to leave Jupiter’s orbit, this is not necessary. Juno certainly didn’t, and he continues to glean all kinds of data in his corner of the solar system. Speaking of which, who else could watch high definition footage of Jupiter’s red spot for hours on end?

An animation of Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, as seen from NASA's Juno spacecraft.

An animation of Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, as seen from NASA’s Juno spacecraft.


The NASA post animates images of Jupiter and its moon, Ganymede appeared first on Nerdist.


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