NASA cancels the release in the space reserved for women because of the lack of a woman-size suit


NASA faces accusations of sexism after canceling the first-ever space-only exit for women because of what officials have described as a lack of space suits tailored to women.

Astronauts Anne McClain and Christina Koch were scheduled to release in space on March 29, but the event was canceled by NASA on Monday "in part because of the availability of the space suit".

According to a press release, the agency apparently had only one space suit of appropriate size. One of the astronauts, McClain, was therefore forced to lose his place.

"McClain learned during his first space trip that a medium-sized upper torso – essentially the shirt of the spacesuit – suited him best. As only one medium sized torso can be prepared by Friday, March 29th, Koch will wear it, "said NASA.

The single event was therefore canceled, and McClain was "tentatively scheduled" to make his space trip on April 8 with Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques, a man.

After announcing the news on social media On Monday, a host of responses were shared online.

Some have tried making seemingly sexist jokes about changing plans. "I'm not going there with the same costume as HER," a Twitter user joking. "Have you forgotten the pockets?" another added.

However, as news progressed, many became increasingly angry at what they described as evidence of sexism.

"If we can put people on the moon, we can surely find a solution to this dilemma," a person tweeted.

The organizers of the Women's March were among the people looking for answers.

Many felt that it was a blatant result of gender inequality.

"I suppose sexism can really transcend the earth plane," a person joked.

Others have sought to defend NASA, believing that it is understandable that it is not able to quickly propose a combination of smaller size, because space suits are so expensive.

Hillary Clinton reacted to the controversy on Tuesday, simply tweeting: "Make another suit."

NASA representatives did not immediately respond to a request for comment, leaving disappointed space fans to continue to broadcast on the Internet what they saw as clear evidence that NASA had not invested enough. in the inclusion of women.

"NASA has been sending women into space since 1983." Oops, nothing to do ", 36 years later, it's absurd and quite revealing of a failure to take seriously the integration of the dimension of kind," tweeted Stephanie Nolen, who wrote an entire book about female astronauts breaking down barriers.


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