NASA Hubble Telescope Photos: STUNNING, Hubble image of a star system & hourglass shaped & # 39; | Science | New


NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been scanning infinite space for nearly three decades. Since its launch in 1990, Hubble has been able to consistently deliver iconic images of the universe through frequent instrument upgrades and has changed our view of the universe. NASA has released a new image to mark Hubble's 29th anniversary.

The Southern Crab Nebula takes its name from its resemblance to its northern counterpart, the Crab Nebula.

The group of stars is distinguished by its strangely shaped hourglass structure.

In the center of the nebula, a giant red star and a white dwarf star form a system of binary stars.

The reference images document with unparalleled detail how the red giant continually spits material absorbed by the white dwarf.

And it is this phenomenon, described by NASA as a "gravitational waltz", which gives its distinctive hourglass-shaped shape.

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As the stars continue to dance their heavenly dance, massive amounts of gas rush, as in a hot air balloon, according to NASA.

The European Space Agency (ESA) explained: "When a sufficient amount of this rejected material is attracted to the white dwarf, it also ejects the material to the outside during an eruption. , creating the structures we see in the nebula.

"Finally, the red giant will eventually throw away his outer layers and stop feeding his white dwarf companion.

"Before that, there could also be more eruptions, creating even more complex structures."

The brightest spots lie on the edges of the nebula, where accumulate bubbles of gas and dust.

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NASA has revealed that this gives the nebula the illusion of optics consisting of "crab legs" whose glowing spots would consist of hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and nitrogen. # 39; oxygen.

The southern Crabie Nebula is located about 7000 light-years from Earth and is in the constellation Centaurus.

NASA scientists can explain how it takes its peculiar form of crab paw, but this has not always been the case.

The nebula was first documented in 1967, and scientists then assumed that it was only an ordinary star.

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It was only 10 years later, in 1998, when the nebula first appeared at Hubble's sight, that scientists had their first full view of the complex structure of Southern Crab.

The ESA said: "This image reveals nested internal structures, suggesting that the phenomenon causing the external bubbles has occurred twice in the past (astronomical) recent."

Today, more than a decade after Hubble discovered the nebula, she captured new images showing the evolution of the South Crab Nebula.

However, when it was observed in more detail later in 1989, they realized that it had a much more complex and distinct hourglass formation.


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