NASA leader finds unlikely ally as part of his fight for moon money – Central Florida News – Space


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. NASA plans to send humans back to the moon in 2024. Photo: NASA
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. NASA plans to send humans back to the moon in 2024. Photo: NASA


NASA is returning to the future. The White House wishes to hand over astronauts to the Moon by 2024. It is a heavy vehicle that involves a complex interaction of partisan politics, big rockets and unlikely allies.

The lunar mission of 2024, called Artemis, is a bold project that plans to accelerate the development of a rocket more than 300 feet, to launch a mini space station around the moon and back. call on trading partners to develop a spacecraft that will allow men to land the moon for the first time in nearly five decades. NASA will need all the help possible.

"The trustee really has a herculean task," said former Democratic Senator Bill Nelson. NASA's administrator, Jim Bridenstine, has called on the heavyweight space policy hitter to help him sell the plan.

Jim Bridenstine of NASA speaks at the Kennedy Space Center about the agency's efforts to return to the moon. Photo: WMFE / Jim Hobart

Artemis is will cost billions of dollars. Vice President Mike Pence led the agency on moonlighting earlier this year. Now, the agency is struggling to find funding.

The accelerated Artemis program was not included in the agency's initial budget of $ 21 billion for fiscal year 2020. NASA requested a $ 1.6 billion budget amendment from the White House needed to restart the program in the next budget year.

"It will not be enough," said Laura Forczyk, space policy analyst and founder of Astrolytical. The request is simply a down payment for Artemis and it will surely require additional funding over the next five years. "It's up to Congress to decide how much to fund by NASA. Even though the White House is proposing these additional $ 1.6 billion, the Congress could actually give more in this request. "

Despite the fact that a House appropriations committee drafted a NASA budget slightly higher than the one requested, the additional $ 1.6 billion allocated to Artemis is far from certain. That's because the White House said the money for the moonlight shot should come from a $ 9 billion Pell Grant surplus, a grant used by students with financial needs to go to university.

The surplus raises questions from Democrats such as Florida Congressman Darren Soto. "Why, are enough people aware of the program, are they using it, are there any problems using the program?

Like other Democrats, Soto wants Pell Grant's surplus to be reinvested in education – not through the Artemis program. He said the money could be used for things like absolution of debt related to student loans.

On the other hand, Republicans like Congressman Bill Posey think that channeling this money into the moon program have its own educational benefits.

"It's a heavy vehicle, but a lot of this material will encourage STEM," said Posey. "This will interest more children in the field of STEM, which we sorely need now. Congress will decide if it is the appropriate place or another place. "

The amendment request was not included in the House's draft budget for the agencies and a version of the Senate has not yet been published. The Plenary Chamber could vote on the space budget as early as 22 June.

When asked if the moon's money was to come from the Pell Grant fund, Republican Senator Rick Scott said that Congress could fund both education and space . "We have a large budget [in Congress]. You should be able to walk and chew gum. We should be able to invest in space, in our Pell grants, in higher education. "

As the budget process progresses in congressional committees, the approval of additional funds to accelerate the program is uncertain.

"It is less and less likely that Congress will provide the additional funds requested from Artemis, let alone the demand," Forczyk said. "There are no champions in Congress yet."

In the midst of the fight for supporter funding, Bridenstine addresses the man who was one of his most outspoken critics during his confirmation hearing – Bill Nelson.

"He is a true champion of manned spaceflight and will bring significant value to the future on the Moon and Mars," said Bridenstine, announcing Nelson's appointment to NASA's advisory board.

In his new role, Nelson will help advocate for additional funding and steer the agency into deep space projects such as Mars missions. At an advisory council meeting last week, Nelson highlighted the challenges facing the agency, such as the lack of congressional allies.

"Now where is the money? And it will be the task – a very, very difficult task for the administrator. "

Although NASA is able to finance the budget amendment, Nelson said the return of humans to the moon remained a Herculean task. The powerful SLS rocket has faced many delays and cost overruns, but the agency is considering a test launch of the rocket, as well as the Orion capsule, during an unprepared mission around the moon to the end of 2020.

NASA is also progressing on other elements of the Artemis plan. The agency announced the first company to build parts for the space station called Moon, called "Gateway." NASA also awarded contracts to three private companies to begin shipping scientific supplies and products to the moon, and solicited proposals for a lunar lander.

As the 2024 deadline approaches, Bridenstine will also need to find a way to fund the mission without using money from other NASA programs – a promise he made to NASA employees when agency unveiled its plan.


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