NASA March helicopter launches last test phase before mission in 2020 – TechCrunch


Mars of NASA The helicopter will be a key experimental tool to shape the future of humanity on the red planet. When he embarks on NASA's March 2020 mission, he will head to Mars in order to test the viability of flying heavier than ever before. air vehicles through the atmosphere of another world. After spending its last round of testing, it is now entering the final stages of preparation before the scheduled launch for July 2020 of March.

The 4-pound stand-alone test helicopter will be transported over the March 2020 rover during flight to the planet, before being deployed once the rover will be seated in Mars' Jezero crater, at the target date of February 18, 2021, after his departure. – Earth trip The helicopter has a camera on board, as well as a solar panel to provide energy. This version does not contain other types of sensors or scientific instruments, but it's because its purpose is to determine if a Mars drone is a viable proposition. Future iterations could use sensors to help collect data, which was not possible with purely terrestrial rovers.

Until now, the Mars helicopter has been tested in environments subject to strong vibrations, which simulate the conditions of launch and landing, extreme temperatures such as those encountered on the surface of Mars and the integrity tests of electrical and mechanical systems. Now its solar panel has been installed and the rotors are being rotated. A new series of integrity and integrity tests is needed to ensure that it is ready for reality.

NASA's March 2020 mission will extend over at least a year on Mars, which will last 687 terrestrial days, and will include a new rover the size of a compact car, but featuring improved wheels and wheels. 39, a new coring tool for collecting samples of rocks and soils not on the surface of the planet.


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