NASA news: NASA video in orbit shows monster asteroid ready to travel the Earth at a speed of 14,338 km / h | Science | New


The asteroid, called 2000 QW7, was discovered by NASA on August 8, 2000. Its closest approach to Earth is expected to be on Sept. 14 at about 23:54 UTC. And the last observation of the monster asteroid took place on August 20, 2019. NASA estimated that the diameter of the asteroid was 650 meters (2,132 feet) and that it will pass on the Earth at a terrifying speed of 14,338 mph.

There is currently a distance of 3,312,944 miles between the asteroid and the Earth.

NASA has rated the threat level for this asteroid as moderate. An impact is always possible but unlikely this year.

Elon Musk, chief executive of Space X, and Tesla, stressed on Twitter last week that the Earth currently has no defense against asteroids "killers".

In response to a tweet about the asteroid Apophis, which will graze the Earth in 2029, Musk pointed out that there is currently no defense system to protect our planet.

Musk said, "Do not worry about this one, but a big rock will eventually hit the Earth and we currently have no defense."

READ MORE: A quasi-asteroid: That's what would happen if an asteroid struck Earth

The asteroid Apophis, a gigantic space space higher than the Eiffel Tower, will approach dangerously and unprecedented Earth in just ten years.

Apophis should "graze the surface" of the planet in 2029 an incredible distance of only 30 000 km.

Second Thought, an educational channel on YouTube, said, "Many scientists are keeping a close eye on the asteroid Apophis, which in 10 years will pass only 19,000 km from the Earth – skimming the surface in cosmological terms. To give you an idea of ​​the proximity, consider the fact that Apophis will pass between meteorological satellites and the Earth.

"Apophis, named after the Egyptian god of Chaos, is classified as a potentially dangerous asteroid.

"An asteroid receives this designation if it reaches a certain size and threshold of proximity to the Earth.

NASA, however, claims that there is only one chance out of 250,000 that Apophis hits our planet.

Steve Chesley, who works for the agency, explained: "Apophis is one of those celestial bodies that has captured the public interest since its discovery in 2004.

"The updated calculation techniques and new data available indicate that the probability of an encounter with the Earth on April 13, 2036, for Apophis has gone from one in 45,000 to about four in a million."

The Astrophysical Observatory of Turin, Alberto Cellino, warned: "We can exclude a collision at the closest approach to the Earth, but the orbit will change in a way that is not totally predictable at the moment. longer time scale. "

NASA is developing the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART).

DART will test if it is possible to redirect asteroids that threaten to impact the Earth.


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