NASA SHOCK: A former NASA scientist claims that there is a black hole in the Earth | Science | New


On April 10 this year, scientists unveiled the world's first ever photo of a giant black hole in the heart of a distant galaxy. The black hole was photographed at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, more than 53 million light-years away from Earth, at a distance of $ 311,567.1 billion. But there is a scientist who believes that there could be a black hole much, much closer to the Earth. Louise Riofrio, who previously worked with NASA and predicted that the speed of light was slowing down, thinks that a black hole could be hiding under our feet.

Appearing on the third phase of the paranormal month of the YouTube channel, the scientist explained that the black hole was the source of the tectonic activity of the Earth.

She said, "Billions of years ago, Earth would have formed around this tiny black hole, just like a pearl was forming around a grain of sand.

"This black hole is believed to be responsible for the generation of the Earth's internal heat, which causes volcanoes and earthquakes, but has also resulted in the formation of our island.

"And the black hole would also generate the magnetic field that protects us from the radiation of space.

READ MORE: What's a black hole and how did the scientists take the picture?

NASA news: Black Hole and Earth in space

NASA SHOCK: A tiny black hole could sit in the center of the Earth (Image: GETTY)

"There is no need to fear black holes. Our life might not exist or our planet might not exist without them.

"And in the future, they could be a huge source of energy – something as revolutionary as the nuclear of the last century."

According to the scientist, the black hole would not be bigger than a grain of sand on the beach.

But the huge weight of the black hole would be equal to that of the Moon, about 73 476 billion.

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The scientist then explained why there was no danger or reason to fear such tiny black holes on Earth.

Earth would have formed around this tiny black hole

Louise Riofrio, scientist

She said: "We are fascinated by CERN, the giant accelerator they built in Europe, and one of the concerns was that it would produce tiny black holes.

"But do not worry, even if they produced a tiny black hole, they would not suck us up.

"In fact, even if there was a black hole on this table, it would not suck us up and it's a simple math.

READ MORE: The astrophysicist claims that you can LIVE inside a black hole

NASA news: Black Hole swallowing the Earth

NASA news: The black hole would only have the size of a grain of sand (Image: GETTY)

NASA news: Black Hole in deep space

NASA news: Black holes are monstrous gravity wells created by dead stars (Image: GETTY)

"If you had a tiny black hole, it would not bother you, it would sink to the bottom of the Earth and join the black hole already there."

Black holes are monstrous pit of gravity created when dying stars spend all their fuel.

When the exhausted core of a star collapses on itself, large amounts of material are squeezed into an incredibly small space.

The result is a source of gravity so powerful that it fights the space-time that surrounds it and sucks everything, including light, beyond its so-called vanished horizon.

NASA explained: "The idea of ​​an object in space so massive and dense that light could not escape it has existed for centuries.

"Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted black holes, which showed that when a massive star dies, it leaves behind a small, dense and dense core.

"If the mass of the nucleus is about three times that of the Sun, the equations have shown that the force of gravity takes away all the other forces and produces a black hole."

Until recently, scientists had not been able to observe a black hole in space, but they have now managed to map the edge of the event horizon using radio telescopes.


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