NASA watches 2,100-foot asteroid on track to "skim the Earth"


A huge asteroid more than twice as large as the Empire State Building is expected to fly over the Earth in three weeks.

The space monster calls 467317 (2000 QW7) and it will overtake us at 14,361 miles on the 14th of September.

There is no need to panic, as the asteroid should be less than 3.3 million kilometers from Earth.

However, in the vast scheme of space, this is not a great distance, and NASA still considers it a "close-up approach".

It has an estimated diameter of 3.120 feet at 1.3 miles. The Empire State Building in New York City is 1,454 feet tall.

In fact, if the space rock was a building on Earth, it would be the second highest in the world.

Any fast-moving space object within a 4.65 million kilometer radius is considered "potentially dangerous" by conservative space organizations.

Elon Musk raised fears that the Earth might not be able to defend itself against giant asteroids with one of his recent tweets.

The billionaire made an icy comment in response to a story told by his friend about preparing NASA for a space monster named after the Egyptian god of chaos, Apophis.

Joe Rogan, a friend of Musk, shared an article about this huge asteroid and Musk replied, "Great name! Do not worry about this one, but a big rock will reach Earth at the end and we currently have no defense. "

Fortunately for us, Apophis should fly over the Earth within 30 000 km of the surface.


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