NASA's lunar spacecraft will fly over the landing site tomorrow, could shed new light on Vikram


Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan-2 Lander, Chandrayaan-2 Vikram Lander, Isro Moon Mission, NASA on Chandrayaan-2, Narendra Modi, Moderate Cuddle
The plan of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to mitigate the Vikram on the moon of Chandrayaan-2 did not work as expected in the scenario, early Saturday morning, after losing touch. (PTI Photo) (video capture)

As ISRO understands it What happened to him? Vikram Lander from Chandrayaan-2, having lost contact with the ground station just a few hundred meters above the moon in the early hours of September 7, a NASA spacecraft is expected to reveal new information once it flies over the site landing on tuesday.

According to the US press, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) satellite is also expected to release the images it takes from the LG. "NASA will share all the images before and after flying over the area around the targeted landing site of Chandrayaan-2 Vikram to support the analysis of the Indian Space Research Organization," Noah Petro said. , LRO project scientist, quoted by

At ISRO, a senior official said The Indian Express this the presence of the Prime Minister at the Space Mission Command Center in Bengaluru and its promise of unequivocal support will shape the next stage of the organization.

In this context, a senior official involved in the Prime Minister's visit that night revealed unknown details about what he called the hours of "transformation" leading to "those hundred seconds" when one s' realized that the soft landing had gone wrong.

Official sources said Modi landed in Delhi early on September 6 after an official trip to Russia and made consecutive commitments to Maharashtra (Sept. 7) and Haryana (Sept. 8) – but wanted to be at the center of ISRO that night.

On the flight to Bengaluru, sources said the prime minister was busy with documents that had remained or had been postponed because of his trip to Russia. "The atmosphere was optimistic when the Prime Minister's plane landed at the Air Force Station in Yelahanka around 9 pm," sources said.

Based in a hotel near the ISRO telemetry, tracking and command network (ISTRAC), Modi met the children who had won the MyGov space quiz and left for the 39, ISRO around 1 am A few minutes after 1:50, however, it became clear that things were not going as planned, and ISRO President K Sivan hastened to inform the Prime Minister in the visitor's gallery.

Modi moved into a living room adjacent to the viewing station where he first narrated Sivan must remain calm and not lose hope, assuring him that the entire nation stood alongside scientists, sources said. After that, they went to the room where the scientists were and told them to "show courage".

Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan-2 Lander, Chandrayaan-2 Vikram Lander, Isro Moon Mission, NASA on Chandrayaan-2, Narendra Modi, Moderate Cuddle
Prime Minister Narendra Modi consults ISRO chief, K Sivan, a day after Viktor LG's loss of contact. PTI file

"I'll come back to the scientists tomorrow morning. Call the President of ISRO and set the time, "the Prime Minister was told after returning to the hotel. Meanwhile, his aides have alerted the government of Maharashtra about the impromptu change of schedule.

According to sources, the prime minister "kept the face brave" but "was awake all night, dropping his thoughts, calling for helpers". They said that he had written in Gujarati and Hindi his message to scientists the next morning.

Later, on his flight to Mumbai, the prime minister reportedly told his aides that he saw "the strength of India and those who succeeded" in the Bengaluru control room.

The Chandrayaan-2 orbiter has since located and taken thermal images of the lander on the moon, but ISRO has not yet provided any details on its condition. "There is no update for the moment. As you know, we are still trying to make contact, "said an ISRO official.

With ENS entries


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