NASA’s New Tool Lets Anyone Watch the Perseverance Rover’s Journey in Real Time


After its recent successful launch of the spacecraft, NASA’s Perseverance rover is on its way to Mars, a journey that will take several months. Everything will be quiet during this time, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait for more information. NASA has launched a free online tool that allows anyone to monitor the rover’s trip in real time, read information about the trip, and see which celestial body the spacecraft is closest to at any given time.

NASA’s Perseverance rover, formerly known as the Mars 2020 rover, will arrive on Mars in February 2021, kicking off the final exploration mission of the Red Planet. The rover has a small helicopter strapped to its belly, which recently successfully charged its batteries using the rover’s power system.

Thanks to this new tool from NASA, everyone can see the rover on its journey, nearby objects like comet 81p Wild 2 and the paths taken by these different space bodies. Clicking on an object will allow viewers to gain additional information about each satellite, comet, planet and moon.

In addition to the direct view of the rover, users can also zoom out to see the wider region around the rover, including the orbit of each nearby planet and comet. Of course, this is all visualization – you can’t see the rover itself in real time, only its journey and its digital representation of the NASA team.

Experts will monitor the rover as it travels using the space agency’s most advanced technologies, making sure nothing is wrong with the health of the rover. The teams will make various corrections as necessary to keep the rover on course, and they will perform other miscellaneous activities for different purposes, according to NASA.


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