NASA's proof of extraterrestrials? Did NASA photograph a bird in flight on Mars? UFO expert stunned | Bizarre | New


The US space agency NASA has been exploring the crater of Gale on Mars since 2012 using its Curiosity mobile, the size of a car. The complete mission of NASA's rover is to examine the seemingly arid Martian climate and geology, and even to determine whether microbial forms of extraterrestrial life have ever existed on the red planet. A prominent UFO conspiracy theorist now believes that NASA's Curiosity Rover vehicle has captured a flying bird on one of its photos of the red planet.

The famous alien life hunter and UFO conspiracy theorist, Scott C Waring, went on his blog to spread his strange claims.

He wrote: "This flying bird on Mars was discovered by Marcelo Irazusta, who actually found a flying bird on the surface of Mars, captured last week by the robot Curiosity!

"It's impossible, and yet, that's … captured on a photo from NASA's website.

"The Curiosity mobile has a 13-minute delay between pressing the landmark and when the mobile receives it.

"So if it's a big bird, it was accidentally caught and probably not long ago.

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"Of course, this could be a UFO – aliens like to use nature to inspire their structures and their ships."

The so-called sighting is little more than a black spot appearing against a large sky in the black and white photograph taken on the ground.

Mr. Waring speculated on the potential ramifications of such a dubious finding.

He wrote: "It sounds like a flying eagle … which, if true, can mean one of two things.

"The two animals exist on Mars or – and I hate this idea, but you have to take it into account – the rover might not be at all on Mars, but on the island of Devon, Canada.

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"Devon is a desolate island with only a handful of people and NASA has been there several times to test the rovers in a similar environment to Mars."

The island of Devon is the largest uninhabited island in the world selected by NASA to test its Mars exploration technology.

Indeed, the harsh climate of Devon Island mimics the environmental conditions on Mars and other planets.

Unexpected anomalies in photographs taken on Mars and on the Moon and returned to Earth for further examination by NASA are not new.

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However, the reality of the anomaly is much more prosaic.

The most likely targets of the Mars anomaly are the lens flares, cosmic rays or just reflected sunlight.

Cosmic rays are formed by highly charged atomic particles, often traveling from outside the solar system, capable of producing effects of light upon impact.

Cosmic rays are more common on Mars than on Earth because of the weak atmosphere of the Red Planet, which offers little resistance to such cosmic radiation.


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