NASA's trust in SpaceX and Boeing may be flickering – BGR


To say that NASA was betting a lot on American companies Boeing and SpaceX to provide solutions to manned spaceflight would be a huge understatement. The space agency has essentially put all its eggs in two baskets, and none of them seems to be able to stay on track, with countless delays, delays and cost overruns that accompany them.

As Reuters According to some reports, NASA's recent "key risk elements" highlight the spaceflight equipment currently used by SpaceX and Boeing, and warns that more time is needed. According to a source who spoke to Reuters, the NASA advisory committee has highlighted 35 issues, and their resolution could eventually bring the two companies even further.

Spokespeople for SpaceX and Boeing commented optimistically on the original text, noting that companies were working hard and marking important milestones, but that concerns remained, particularly with respect to safety.

Ensuring that the two companies' rocket and ship technology can carry passengers safely for many years to come means everything is in order, but the need for manned spaceships is immediate.

The most urgent concern is that of the International Space Station and NASA pays the Russian space program to transport American astronauts. NASA extended its agreement with Roscosmos last year after it became clear that neither SpaceX nor Boeing would be able to meet their most optimistic deadlines. Now, having no way to send astronauts into space after 2019, NASA must now consider paying even more money to Russia to ensure the American presence aboard. l & # 39; ISS.

NASA's requirements are high and both companies will have to prove that their flight platforms are safe and reliable before allowing all astronauts to fly. It will be interesting to see if either company is ready by the end of 2019 or if delays and additional problems are delaying the schedule.


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