Nathalie Emmanuel – Rolling Stone


British actress Nathalie Emmanuel kicked off this latest episode of “The First Time” by sharing how she got involved for the first time in her latest project, Audible’s The coldest case. His agency first contacted him about the opportunity at the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown in London. “Everyone worked from home, remotely,” recalls Emmanuel. “I read the script. I was like, wow, this is really interesting and there are some great people involved. I was like, of course, let’s do it. The actress received the recording equipment so that she could work on the project during the lockdown. “It was a great opportunity to be creative when I literally couldn’t leave the house,” Emmanuel said.

The Game of thrones The actress then shared what it was like to first learn Valyrian for her role as Messandei on the HBO TV series. During her first look at the script, Emmanuel recalled seeing entire paragraphs of Valyrian and wondered how she could ever pronounce and memorize the fictional language.

“I remember freaking out for a minute,” she recalls. “It was just written in the script and I had no other material that taught me how it was pronounced, how to say it, what it sounded like. As I had nothing [at first]. Fortunately, the language’s creator, “conlanger” David J. Peterson, had it covered. Peterson had prepared a bunch of resources for the actress to use. “I used to write these pages phonetically and in English,” Emmanuel said. “And then I would also have recordings of him saying it phonetically, saying it at speed, saying it just a little slower, then saying it in English too.” So I had a lot of support, and we also had dialect coaches who were really wonderful.

Emmanuel later recounted how she first decided that she wanted to continue her acting career. The actress has always been involved in the performing arts as a child, but mostly as a hobby. “I went to the kind of schools that were very academic and it was kind of like you had to be a doctor or a lawyer or [veterinarian] or a politician, ”she recalls. “These are university careers that they essentially encouraged us to [pursue]. It wasn’t until the age of ten, when she was chosen to be part of the London cast for The Lion King, which she first realized that she wanted to someday become a professional actress. “I just remember loving it so much and having so much fun,” the actress said. “And like even at 10 years old, I was in awe of everything. That’s when I said, oh, I want to do this as a career. I want to be an artist. It was the real turning point for me.

Emmanuel then spoke about what led her to discover her passion for yoga. She had gone through a very difficult time and her mental health had suffered. It was a recommendation from someone she had sought help from that led Emmanuel to his first yoga class. “The person I spoke to, she said, ‘Hey, [this might not] work for yourself, but you have to try to create a space for yourself, outside of your life, like a new environment, ”Emmanuel recalled. “’And see if that just changing your routine a bit, like finding something, you know, helps you feel a little more about yourself again, because it gives you perspective.’ So that’s basically what happened.

Emmanuel had heard about yoga through a few friends who did it regularly, but had never been to a class herself, until one day “someone was like, oh, there’s this. new studio. And so I thought, you know what, I’m going to go. And I got on the train and I went to yoga class, and I fell in love with it. It was a truly transformative story for me. Obviously, yoga is not a quick fix for mental health issues, but it was definitely a journey of self-love and kindness to yourself, ”Emmanuel said. “And it actually helped me make changes that, in the end, were really, really beneficial.”

The actress concluded the interview with stories about her first resignation and what it was like to visit the United States for the first time.

Listen The Coldest Case: A Black Book Audio Drama, available now on Audible.


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