NC ranks among the weakest for vaccine distribution ::


– A map recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows how states are doing with vaccine distribution.

The interactive map tracks two things – the rate of people who received their first dose and the number of vaccinations distributed – the number of vaccines shipped.

Across the country, more than 4.5 million people have received the first round of vaccinations. There are still 11 million doses distributed that have not yet been used.

As of January 4, seven states, including North Carolina, are shown in light blue. These are the states that have vaccinated less than 1,000 in 100,000 people.

North Carolina’s rate – 966 people per 100,000. That’s less than five other states in the country.

West Virginia’s rate is more than triple that of North Carolina.

The vaccine distribution rate for our state is not much better, still in the light blue and ranked in the top 10 for vaccines that have been distributed so far.

Looking at the percentage of vaccines that were distributed versus those given, North Carolina only gave 25.5%, not much less than the nation which is at 29.5%.


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