Nearly 100 people hospitalized for serious lung problems after a vaping


Young woman vaping

Since July, at least 24 people have been hospitalized for respiratory problems related to vaping, including many young adults.

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Health problems related to vaping step up after state and federal health officials report that 94 people – including many young adults – in 14 states have been hospitalized with suspected respiratory problems related to vaping. Most patients admitted to the hospital reported similar symptoms, including coughing, shortness of breath, and fatigue that worsened over time. Some patients also reported fever, chest pain, nausea and diarrhea.

In Minnesota, some of these people had to be hospitalized for several weeks, including stays in the intensive care unit. In Florida, an 18-year-old man had a collapsed lung after being sprayed. A Wisconsin man in his twenties even had to be placed in a medically induced coma. At present, it is not clear if all patients will be completely cured.

In a statement released this weekend, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that officials were collaborating with the health departments of California, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and of Wisconsin to investigate these "serious" lung diseases.

Other states have notified the CDC of new cases and investigations are under way. According to the CDC, "there is no conclusive evidence that an infectious disease is the cause of the disease".

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Should you be worried?

It's hard to say. Patients reported vaping products containing a variety of substances, including nicotine and THC, as well as homemade "home brewing", according to the Washington Post. At present, health officials do not know if lung problems come from electronic cigarette devices or from one or more ingredients commonly present in the juice of vape. "Although some cases in each state are similar and seem related to the use of e-cigarette products, additional information is needed to determine the cause of the diseases," says the CDC.

Vape pen illustrated with cannabis

At least one hospitalized Wisconsin man had purchased tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) oil in the street, according to news reports.

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The American Vaping Association is skeptical about the fault of traditional vaporization products. "With about 10 million adults nicotine vaping each month without major problems, it seems far more likely that products causing lung damage contain THC or illegal drugs, not nicotine," said a door. – Speaking from AVA to CBS News.

But health experts such as Anne Griffiths, MD, a pediatric lung specialist who has reviewed the four cases reported in Minnesota, are not so sure. "I have the impression that it is not new," she told the Associated Press. "It's new that we recognize it.I really think that the main cause of these diseases is what has been inhaled."

Currently, no device or cartridge is associated with reported cases of lung disease. When they assess the extent of the problem, health officials only count certain lung diseases in which the person states to be vaping within three months.

Most of the diseases under study involve teens and young adults, a population in which the use of e-cigarettes has exploded: 78% among high school students and 49% among college students between 2017 and 2018, according to the CDC. In 2018, more than 3.6 million young Americans, including 1 in 5 high school students and 1 in 20 high school students, report using electronic cigarettes.

The presumed link with vaping is all the more bad news for a sector already targeted by teenagers. In an email to Reuters, industry leader Juul Labs said, "Like any health-related event that would be associated with the use of steam-based products, we are monitoring this information."

As the investigation progresses, the CDC asks clinicians to report suspected unexplained lung disease related to vaping to their local or regional health unit. And in a statement last week, Andrea Palm, secretary of Wisconsin's Department of Health Services, urged "people to avoid vapors of vaping products and electronic cigarettes." Everyone – especially young people who have just been vaping – having unexplained breathing problems should consult a doctor. "

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What we know about vaping and respiratory health

Electronic cigarettes have only been available in the United States for a little over a decade and, during this period, have remained largely unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration. As a result, there is tremendous variability in the market. Together, these two factors make it difficult to come to a definitive conclusion about the respiratory effects of vaping.

That said, here's what we know so far: E-cigarette aerosols typically contain fewer toxic chemicals than tobacco cigarettes and are considered safer in many ways, depending on the control centers and disease prevention. But vaping is not without respiratory risk – especially in people who have never smoked before.

When national academies of science, engineering and medicine analyzed all available research on the public health implications of e-cigarettes – more than 800 peer-reviewed studies – they concluded that studies examining the long-term effects of the electronic cigarette – cigarettes on the development of chronic respiratory symptoms are completely absent because of the novelty of the product. "

illustration of lungs filled with smoke

The jury still has not determined whether or not vaping could cause lung disease, but initial research suggests other potential problems.

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However, he discovered "conclusive evidence that, in addition to nicotine, most electronic cigarette products contain and emit many potentially toxic substances", such as acetaldehyde, acrolein, diacetyl and formaldehyde, all of which are related to lung disease. And that exposure of the lungs to these substances could damage the respiratory system or aggravate pre-existing lung disease.

Although NASEM was unable to identify any research to determine whether or not vaping caused respiratory disease, it found moderate evidence of a link between vaping and increased coughing and wheezing in adolescents, as well as than the exacerbation of asthma.

Bottom line: There are still many unknowns, but preliminary research – and the lack of federal oversight – have concerned health organizations like the American Lung Association.

"The FDA has not conducted a systematic review of electronic cigarettes currently on the US market to determine their impact on lung health," said ALA. "While there is still much to be determined about the lasting health consequences of these products, the ALA is very troubled by the evolution of evidence on the impact of electronic cigarettes on lungs. "

The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified health professional for any questions regarding a health problem or health goals.


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