1% of Dutch have morbid obesity


More than 100,000 adults suffer from this most serious form of obesity.

In the Netherlands, 1% of 20- and morbid obesity. This means that more than 100,000 adults suffer from this most serious form of obesity. This is clear from the new CBS and RIVM Health Survey and Lifestyle Monitor figures, which were broken down for the first time into three categories of obesity. In total, 14% have some form of obesity in 2017, more than 2.5 times more than in the early 1980s.

Another 36% is moderately overweight. In total, 50 per cent of the over 20s in the Netherlands are overweight, whereas this was the case at 33 per cent in the early 1980s. Half of this increase was due to the fact that they were overweight. increase in obesity

Since 1981, the size and weight of the Dutch population have been studied annually in a survey. The most commonly used measure for overweight is the body mass index (BMI), weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. An adult is overweight with a BMI of 25 or higher. At a BMI of 30 or higher, we are talking about severe overweight or obesity. Obesity can be divided into three classes. The limit values ​​are: BMI 30 to 35 (class 1), BMI 35 to 40 (class 2) and BMI 40 or higher (class 3). Class 3 Speaks of Morbid Obesity

The Largest Increase in Least Weight Obesity
Of the three classes of obesity, the former occurs most frequently. Since the early 1980s, the group of obese people of this less severe form has also experienced the highest growth, from 4 to 11%. Class 2 and 3 obesity cases also increased, they were rare in the early 1980s.

Women suffer more often from obesity
Women suffer more often than obese men. This also applies to each of the three classes of obesity separately. Of the Dutch aged 65 to 75, 20% are obese, most of all age groups

Less obese in the Netherlands than in most European countries [19659010] A slight majority (53%) obesity, according to the most recent figures from the EU of 2014. On average, 36% of over-18s were moderately overweight and 17% were obese. In the Netherlands, 13 percent had obesity that year. Only in Italy and Romania was this lower part. Among neighboring countries, obesity is most prevalent in the United Kingdom, followed by Germany.

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Photographer or Agency :: INGImages [19659020] Source for article: CBS
What is the URL of this source ?: https: //www.cbs.nl/en-us/nieuws/2018/27/100-000 -adult-and-morbid-obesity
Original title: 100,000 adults have morbid obesity
] Target group: Health professionals, Decision-makers, Caregivers, Students
Date: 2018-07- 04

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