& # 39; Hole in the ground & # 39; IJtunnel, symbol of perseverance Amsterdam


"This phonograph record really marked a turning point in the discussion.The following question was also asked: do we first do the Coentunnel or the IJtunnel?" It was then decided to start with the Coentunnel first, but parallel to that Tunnel IJ ", said Bijl.

Amsterdam continued and financed the tunnel entirely with its own resources and on October 30, 1968, the IJ tunnel was opened, two years later than the Coentunnel.


The role of the IJtunnel certainly changed after the arrival of the Noord / Zuidlijn, said Bijl. "It is now a real urban tunnel, but at that time, it was also the link with all of North Holland, until the arrival of the North / South line, 3 000 buses and 40 000 vehicles per 24 hours Passing through the tunnel, measured the busiest tunnel in the Netherlands. "

Although he thinks that the IJ tunnel is anything but beautiful, the history of the Bijl building seduces him. "Now, we often look at it," so this tunnel is closed because maintenance is needed "or" it costs money because it needs to be renovated for new legislation ", but the stories at that subject are much more enjoyable. "

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