& # 40; A fight in your body & # 39; shows the fight against antibiotics


On Monday, November 12, 2018, ARTIS-Micropia will be inaugurated on the occasion of World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2018 "A Brawl in Your Body & # 39; . This new microbial museum tour shows what antibiotics are, where they come from and what antibiotic resistance really is. Visitors will also discover the consequences of resistance to public health and what they themselves can do to stop antibiotic resistance.

Road through Micropia

Micropia developed this new route through the museum in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health. and environment (RIVM). Micropia wants to interest a wide audience in microbiology; the smallest and most powerful science of life on earth. Antibiotics are drugs commonly used against bacterial infections, but are the source of natural substances, originating in nature. Microbes make antibiotics to eliminate their bacterial competitors. As a medicine, they have a similar effect in our body. They kill pathogenic bacteria. For example, antibiotics have saved millions of lives in recent decades.

More and more bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. If you use antibiotics too often or incorrectly, pathogens can become insensitive. Sometimes even for almost all antibiotics. Antibiotics will not be able to do their job and it will be more difficult to recover. In Micropia, what you can do about it is described in the "A fight in your body" itinerary. Discover how bacteria quickly adapt to antibiotics and how they spread in our hands. The way is the same until the spring.

Laborer talks about antibiotic resistance

The inappropriate and excessive use of antibiotics is often at the origin of the development of resistant bacteria. It is therefore important that antibiotics are used correctly and that doctors prescribe them only if it is really necessary. The Micropia lab technician explains why antibiotics do not work in case of colds or flu, and looks into the future of antibiotics. Until early March, the Micropia technician will talk about antibiotic resistance every day at 1 pm and 4 pm.

For more information
– www.micropia.nl/nl/bezoek/activiteiten/knokpartij-in-je-lijf/


Author: RIVM

How can we maintain ourselves and our environment in good health? This is the challenge facing many local, national and international governments and professionals every day. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) conducts research, advises and supports the government in this challenge.

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