5 things that seem selfish but which, according to science, are not


Do you often imagine yourself for someone else? Paradoxically, according to science, you are really selfish.

These five actions are selfish, but according to research, they are not:

1. Canceling or canceling appointments

Say no to everyday distractions and post-work plans help you reach your goals faster. But the way you say no is essential. Say: "I will not go there" instead of "I can not register". Because if you use "can", it looks like you refuse something. While you help yourself by taking time for yourself. It makes you a more comfortable person. Really

2. Do not answer a phone call

Yes, you love your mother a lot, of course, but you can still be reached does not mean you have to always answer your phone. Research conducted by the University of Ohio shows that people who spend a lot of time on the phone are less happy than those who ignore more often a phone call, an application or a text message.

3. Do not apologize

Researchers at the University of Waterloo know this well and often faster than men. They also say that sorry is actually a bad medium of communication. We often only keep the peace and silence in a conversation. Only apologize if you really think so. There, you and the other person have a lot more.

4. Do not respond quickly to an e-mail

According to researchers at the University of British Columbia, knowingly ignoring e-mail has physiological benefits. This would include reducing your stress level. So, can an answer wait? So beware too. Just try to answer urgent needs and postpone other emails until the end of the day, for example. You can also put your alarm clock here to have a stick behind the door. By banishing stress in this way, you stay cool at work and your colleagues have a lot to do with it.

5. Bathing rather than taking a shower

Yes, in the shower, you are ready faster and it is good for your roommates, but twenty minutes of bath are good for blood pressure, increase your resistance (especially during the cold and flu season) and ensures a better night's sleep. In this way, you indirectly ensure that your loved ones can enjoy your life longer. Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for your loved ones.

Source PureWow
Image | iStock

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