6 signs that you suffer from iron deficiency


If you follow a normal diet, you get enough of the healthiest nutrients, but you can still deal with a shortage of iron. Women are particularly at risk. Usually, you do not notice it long. Yet your body gives signals.

1. Tired
The main sign is fatigue, but it's hard to recognize. Being tired can have all kinds of causes, especially if you have a busy life.

2. Ill
If you suffer from iron deficiency, you are more prone to illness. So, if you still have a cough or flu, you can help eat more iron.

3. Hair loss
Certainly, when iron deficiency leads to anemia, hair loss increases.

4. Imagine Strange Things
Those who lack iron can experience a change of taste and suddenly feel like very strange things like chalk and clay, but most women have cravings for ice.

5. Restless legs
According to John Hopkins Medicine, about 15% of people with restless legs have iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is even the most common cause of "restless leg syndrome".

6. Pale Skin and Rough Tongue
Of course, you can naturally have pale skin or just because it's winter, but your skin is really a lot paler than one that may be due to a deficiency in skin. iron. A rough, even swollen tongue is also a possible sign.

If you want to eat more iron, opt for meat, whole products, legumes and vegetables rich in vitamin C. This vitamin allows a better absorption of iron.

Source (nen): HLN

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