"650,000 children receive meningococcal vaccination" NOW


The supplementary immunization cycle is aimed at children born between 2001 and May 2004. In September of last year, the government decided to provide fourteen-year-olds the opportunity to get vaccinated. Also babies of fourteen months are eligible. The latter group is now only vaccinated against type C disease.

The number of W type meningococcal infections increases rapidly. Last year, this infection was detected on average six times a month, but it has already passed an average of ten times a month this year

Vulnerable Groups

Meningococcal bacteria is home to many people in the nose or throat without being involved cause. But when the pathogen enters the blood, dangerous diseases threaten. Especially babies, teenagers and the elderly are vulnerable. Since October 2015, at least 28 patients have died of W-type meningococcal disease, the RIVM reported late May

"The possibility of W-type meningococcal infection is very low despite growth, but to prevent the worst we must intervene, "says Blokhuis

He further decided that babies who are physically extraordinarily vulnerable (for example because they are born prematurely or have a congenital defect) will be vaccinated against the highly contagious rotavirus of next year. The vaccine is included in the national immunization program. After two years, Blokhuis will consider whether it will be offered to all children on the basis of an assessment.

The virus can cause inflammation of the stomach or intestines. This can lead to fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Every year 2500 to 4700 children with symptoms of dehydration should be treated at the hospital. Five to seven children die each year from a rotavirus infection.

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