- Data
- Youth Protection
65% of psychologically unhealthy young people report that their health is worse
2015/2017, 8% According to the questions they answered, 12-25 year olds are psychologically unhealthy. Ten years earlier, 7% said that. More than a third of these psychologically unhealthy young people have suffered from depression in the last 12 months. This is clear from the Dutch health survey
. Young people have about the same level of health as 10 years ago. On the question "How is your health in general?" 91% gave a positive answer in 2015/2017. It's not much more than ten years ago, as is the case with psychological health.
Statistics Netherlands measured psychological health by asking young people five questions about their state of mind, including: "Did you feel very nervous?" And "Have you been so deceived that nothing could cheer you up?" There, they could give six answers, ranging from "never" to "constantly". On the basis of the answers, a score between 0 (very unhealthy) and 100 (perfectly healthy) could be calculated. Young people with a score below 60 are considered psychologically unhealthy
Older youth are more often mentally unhealthy
Girls are more likely than boys to suffer from psychological health problems, with difference of 11% against 6%. In addition, poor psychological health is more common among 18-25 year olds than among 12-18 year olds and more often among young people of western migrant origin than Dutch origin. The differences in mental health by basic characteristics are comparable to those of ten years ago.
Psychically unhealthy young people are also generally unhealthy
Of the psychologically unhealthy young people, 65 percent feel their health is worse. Although the lion's share of young people in good psychological health is in good health (93%). This trend has hardly changed over the last ten years either.
Depression is the most common disorder among psychologically unhealthy youth
Psychologically unhealthy youth report more long-term illness than psychologically healthy youth. In 2015/2017, more than a third of psychologically unsanitary young people had a depression in the previous 12 months, they reported. In addition, they also reported more often that young people with mental health suffer from migraine or severe headache, allergy, dizziness accompanied by falls or back disorders.
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- Photographer or Photo Agency :: INGImages [19659020] For this story :: CBS
- What is the URL of this resource ?: https://www.cbs.nl/en-nl/nieuws/2018/45/1-op -les-12-young-is-psychic-unhealthy
- Original title: 1 in 12 are psychologically unhealthy
- Target group: Health Professionals, Policy Makers, Students
- Date: 2018-11-06
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