8 Things You Should Know About Sunscreen


Until you get the advice to apply correctly. Yet, there is still a lot of unknown things about sunscreen and the effect of the sun on your skin. Therefore, to be complete, eight other facts:

1. The sunscreen does not protect against all sun rays
The cream only helps against UVB rays. These are the rays through which your skin burns. UVa rays, which age the skin, are less protected by most sunscreens.

2. Even if it is cloudy, your skin will suffer damage
It is therefore important to spread in cloudy and rainy weather.

3. You can burn through the window
If you sit in the car all day, while the sun is shining, you must rub well. Half of all the radiation passes through the glass.

4. You must rub every two hours
It also takes half an hour before the protective substance starts to work.

5. You will not get browner if you use a lower spf
Those who lubricate with a lower factor do not burn faster. The way you become brown depends on your skin type and not sunscreen.

6. In the water, you burn faster
The rays of the sun pass easily in the water. In addition, the rays are reflected, so that you catch more sun in your face. Finally, a lot of sunscreen rinses in the water.

7. Taking a sun bath under the tanning bed is even worse
This is because a tanning bed only emits UVa rays and these are the most damaging. In addition, your skin does not create a protective layer under the tanning bed, which happens in the real sun.

8. The sunscreen remains good for only a year.
Your cream loses its strength as it ages. So it is best to buy a new bottle every summer.

Source (s): HLN

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