VUmc agrees with OM and pays 2.3 tons after unauthorized declarations


The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) and the Department of Paediatrics of VUmc reached a settlement of 232,000 euros following illegal declarations. The amount is a fine and an amount that, in the opinion of the Crown, is an undeserved benefit. Illegal claims were filed in 2010 and 2011. The Public Prosecutor's Office and the Dutch Health Authority (NZa) report this.

For the period studied from 2010 to 2011, the hospital claimed treatment with a higher reimbursement for at least six patients than what was actually done. The criminal investigation on this topic began in December 2014 as a result of a NZa investigation. It was suspected that the pediatrics department of the VUmc was filing incorrect statements with health insurers and thus benefited from an illegal advantage.

Nursing day care

The public prosecutor's office considers that criminal offenses are proven and finds that nursing care has been declared

Improvement Plan

Part of the settlement is also a plan for Improvement providing for measures to prevent similar mistakes from happening again in the future. The NZa discussed and evaluated the plan in detail with the hospital

In the plan, the VUmc described how it will act in accordance with legislation and regulations. They indicate the steps they have taken and will take in the years to come to register correctly and to guarantee the declaration in their organization. The NZa study titled "Compliance, Registration and Reporting of Hospital Care" provides an important basis for this. NZa is tracking progress over the next two years.

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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