A bracelet to prevent complications in patients


Physicians and nurses at Radboudumc Nijmegen use special software and a computer to try to stifle serious complications in the egg. Vital functions in patients will be monitored constantly.

The hospital is one of the world leaders in this field. The system has now been introduced in the departments of internal medicine and surgery

. With each irregularity, the wrist computer will trigger an alarm. Normally, these vital functions are measured three times a day by nurses.

By connecting the device to the new software, an image of the trend of vital functions is created. The doctors and nurses receive a note on this basis which allows to intervene quickly in case of serious complications.

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Up to now, it takes a lot of time for doctors and nurses to take all the steps the wrist computer is doing to assess and see in their mutual connection. The new software will now take over. He / she will analyze all the information and calculate a risk score based on it.

This score indicates whether a patient is improving, stable or deteriorating. In addition, the score helps predict the course of a patient's disease. The system can trigger an alarm even before the health status of a patient actually deteriorates. And that means that a treatment can be started sooner.

This can save human lives, especially in the case of serious complications such as blood poisoning or pulmonary embolism. Or, in less severe cases, additional hospital stay for patients, admission to the intensive care unit or resuscitation.

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