The manual should stimulate electronic consultation with general practitioners


The manual & # 39; E-consult, how do we arrange this? & # 39; from LHV, NHG and Nictiz the disappointing number of digital consultations at the GP to give a boost. The manual was presented to Erik Gerritsen, general secretary of VWS and chairman of the Information Consultative Care.

Digitization of care, including general medical care, is changing rapidly. compilers of the manual. Nevertheless, the use of electronic consultation is lagging behind

Lack of knowledge of e-consultation plays an important role, as evidenced by the eHealth 2017 monitor. Patients often do not know what the numerical possibilities in their general practice. promoters. GPs also lack time and sometimes knowledge to show patients the possibilities.

Unknown with rates

The manual answers this question. It contains, among other things, information on claim options and tips for applying and scaling the e-consultation. There is also a communication toolbox in which GPs can bring digital consultation to the attention of patients

In the background, non-familiarity with rates plays a role. GPs often do not know that they can claim more for an electronic consultation than for a phone consultation. The amount of the invoice for an electronic consultation depends on the content of the care provided and the time spent. It may even be a statement equivalent to a regular double consultation

For PC and Mobile Devices

The manual was presented to Erik Gerritsen, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Property -being and Sports, July 9, 2018. information consulting care. He described the manual as "a good example of how action research can be used for direct social impact."

The "E-consult, how do we arrange this?" Manual is available for PC and devices mobile.

  Bert Bukman

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