Postema takes the leadership of the PvdA party in the Senate


André Postema sits as the party leader of the PvdA in the Senate. He remains a senator, reports the party. Whoever succeeds him will only become known after the summer.

"All education was poop" Read the report in Maastricht here.

Vice-President Esther-Mirjam Sent will serve until then. Postema has been discredited by the abuses in the VMBO Maastricht school exams. He is chairman of the board of directors of the Limburg Secondary Education Foundation (LVO). Due to a lack of governance in the Maastricht school community, 354 students dropped out for their exam.

"The Senator's Part-Time Work"

"The work in the main function is separated from the members of the Senate," Postema writes in the statement. "It's the only way to do Senator's important part-time job."

He goes on to say that there is no connection between his role as deputy and his administrative function and that his election and appointment to both positions bring with him what he wants to meet. "Despite all this, I see that my role as party chairman is currently under discussion, even in the group," he writes. This prompted Postema to file its position immediately.

"Instead of resigning, he accuses the inspection of education" Read our portrait of the pilot and marathon runner Postema

Striking Application

Last week he was regrettable that the PvdA party in the House of Representatives wanted Postema to fulfill its management function. This position became clear as a result of a public WhatsApp message involuntarily from Vice President Lilianne Ploumen. "Lo," wrote Ploumen to the Speaker of Parliament, Lodewijk Asscher, "we can not prevent the overtaking of the Postema.Anyone must now call that he must keep the credit for himself." Postema then stated that he did not intend to resign from his position at LVO because he wanted to guarantee "continuity".

Postema was Speaker of the Upper House since February

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