"Do not throw cigarette butts on the side of the road", the risk of fire is great


Rijkswaterstaat asks motorists to stop throwing cigarette butts out of the car. Saturday, there were several fires on the roads, probably caused by a cigarette still on. Throwing cars by car is not only forbidden but also causes a fire that dries quickly.


Along the A9 to and from Amstelveen, between the bridge over the Zijkanaal and at the Rottepolderplein junction, there were fires.

Not only on the highway there is no demand to empty cigarettes, also at festivals prohibit smoking in certain areas .. For example in the Oasis at the Cross of Zwarte do not smoke, because of the risk of fire.

It stays warm

Sunday and Monday it stays very hot with a temperature between 25 and 30 degrees C. From Tuesday it becomes a little less hot and increases the risk of a storm, writes Weeronline. there are clouds, with occasional storms, the average temperature is always around 24 degrees.

MeteoGroup believes that we will soon move to "stereotypical Dutch summer". This is accompanied by "regular showers". According to them, the chances of ending the extreme drought increase every day.

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