First study of sleep in hospitals
Patients sleep in the hospital on average nearly 1.5 hours less than at home. They also wake up more often between periods and do not sleep much longer. In addition, patients appreciate less the quality of sleep in the hospital than at home. This is demonstrated by researching over 2,000 patients in 39 Dutch hospitals. The research was initiated by acute internists (ORCA research consortium) and coordinated by Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc i.s.m. the Netherlands Brain Institute and Rijnstate, Arnhem. "Now that we know this and how many patients are sleeping less well during a hospitalization, it's time to pay more attention to this," said lead researcher Prabath Nanayakkara (Acute Internist). local VUmc). The research was published today in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Sleep Survey in Hospitals
This sleep study focused on sleep in the hospital and at home. With this research, doctors want to know more about the quality of patients' perceived sleep and what needs to be changed to improve sleep in hospitals.
Quality of Sleep
The study shows that patients have an average of three quarters of an hour waking up and in 70% of non-spontaneous cases. The quality of nighttime sleep is also worse than at home: patients wake up more tired and restless and feel less sleepy. This can be explained by their illness (nausea, pain, anxiety, etc.), but more often by hospital factors (noise of patients and staff, bright light in the hallway, uncomfortable beds, beeping of infusion systems). , possibly increased toilet visits). Physical and Emotional Stress
This research is important because a bad night's rest can hinder healing. In addition, it makes patients vulnerable to physical and emotional stress. During a hospital stay, everything is usually done so that patients recover as quickly as possible. However, little is known about the quality of sleep in hospitals up to here.
The results suggest that physicians and nurses should focus more on sleep optimization, based on the disruptive factors of this study. introduced themselves. A follow-up study is being prepared to improve night-time sleep in hospitals.
Source: Amsterdam UMC
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