The Utrecht primary school opposes the coming of the Islamic school as a pledge


The Klimroos Primary School in the Leidsche Rijn district of Utrecht opposes the arrival of an Islamic primary school in the same building. The municipality wants the two schools to share the building, but De Klimroos does not like it.

The new Al Arqam Islamic Primary School wants to start the new school year in the district of Utrecht. Both the national government and the municipality have agreed, but they are now at risk of housing. The municipality is responsible for finding accommodation and declares that the property of De Klimroos is the only suitable option.

But De Klimroos does not agree with that. According to the school board, the building does not lend itself to two schools as there is only one entrance and one staircase. Parents also fear that the Islamic students from De Klimroos will be transferred to the new school.

Grim atmosphere

The atmosphere between the municipality and the school has become dark, says RTV Utrecht. De Klimroos refused, for example, last week officials from the municipality who wanted to see the building. The school has also taken legal measures to prevent the arrival of Al Arqam.

The municipality, in turn, insists on the decision. "In view of our legal obligation to provide housing, we are already taking action at this time, such as a protest decision", the Council answers the Council's questions.


Various political parties of the Utrecht Council have criticized expressed in the state of affairs. "The atmosphere has fallen to a low point and this is not a good basis for finding a solution," says Dimitri Gillissen of the VVD against RTV Utrecht

A spokesman for the municipality points out that everything is made to go out without the intervention of the judge. "Everyone involved feels responsible for ensuring that all children can start in the new school year."

The municipality continues to insist that welcoming Al Arqam to De Klimroos remains the best option. Tomorrow, the municipality will begin a dialogue with the two schools to find a solution. "In a feasible, safe and feasible way for both schools."

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