Students examine hospitality in hospital care – News


The Cancer Center of Leiden-The Hague University (UKC) and Hotelschool The Hague will be doing research together on hospitality in hospital care. The research will be conducted by medical students and students from HMC Antoniushove Hotel Schools

Students will study the association of doctors, nurses and other hospital staff with patients with cancer for six months. The idea comes from the oncological surgeon Onno Guicherit. "Hospitality is not limited to good food and thick carpet," he says. "In health care, hospitality is much more a question of interpersonal contact, how can you use hospitality to centralize the patient?"

According to the findings, interventions are designed to improve Hospitality hospitality. enlarge Angélique Lombarts, research project manager of Hotelschool The Hague: "The combination of a student and a medical student is great because they can learn from each other: promising doctors can improve the patient and students are more focused on the experience. "


The study was preceded by a pilot in which two students from the hotel school observed medical staff.This revealed, among other things, that doctors treat differently with Patients who need to make a new appointment.Lombarts: "One said goodbye to the doctor's office door and let the patient go to the counter to make a new appointment. The other person goes to the office with the patient, tells the doctor's assistant what needs to be done and only takes then we say goodbye, which is a small difference, but with great effect in terms from the patient experience, and it also works more effectively for the transfer of information between a doctor and a doctor's assistant. "

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