Spectators save the lives of fallen cyclists


HEERDE A cyclist was seriously injured on Sunday afternoon after suffering and was found in the Kanaaldijk moat near Heerde. Residents of Runaway District may have saved the life of the man.

The man, who with his wife, cycled along the Oenerweg bike path to Epe, cycled on the back. The man was probably indisposed and fell into the ditch less than a meter and a half, with bramble bushes on the shore. His wife made a call for help to local residents, who took the man out of the ditch and bushes and immediately alerted the emergency services.

The man had no breathing at that time and began to turn blue. Local residents started resuscitation, after which the man resumed breathing and heart rate. Emergency services arrived at the scene with several police vehicles, an ambulance and a trauma helicopter. The victim was taken to Isala Hospital in Zwolle under the supervision of the attending physician. His wife was taken care of by the emergency services.

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