[Selondesscientifiquesespagnolsilexisteunlienprouvéentrelemomentdusouperetledéveloppementdedeuxtypesdecancerdesortequelespersonnesquimangentavant21heuresontunrisquedecancerdelaprostateetduseinprèsde20%plusfaible19659003] For the study, published in the journal International Journal of Cancer a team from the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona compared countless data, analyzing information from 621 patients and 1205 breast cancer patients. Patients on their lifestyle and eating habits, that they compared with the responses of 872 healthy men and 1,321 healthy women. 659003] The results are that daily dietary rhythms play a role in the risk of cancer. If the numbers from other studies are confirmed, this should be taken into account in the recommendations for cancer prevention, the researchers advise. The results for Southern Europeans, who usually eat their evening meal until late in the evening, are particularly interesting. But also for the Dutch, who always eat later.
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