GGD: "Significant increase in whooping cough in Barneveld"


BARNEVELD It is striking that more Barneveld babies have contracted highly contagious whooping cough in the past two months. GGD Gelderland-Midden reports this, which is now coming into action.

Wouter van Dijk

"We have seen that since the consultation offices of Barneveld-village since June, there have been many more cases of whooping cough," says spokesman Allard Mold of the security region and Gelderland Health (VGGM), which includes the GGD. "Normally, we have about four reports a month, in June and July, which is now four times as much.This, in combination with the contagiousness and low immunization coverage in this municipality (less than 70%, ed.), We We have now decided to take immediate action. "

APPEALS All parents of newborn babies are now expected to vaccinate their baby against whooping cough as soon as possible. eight weeks are shooting a bullet against this disease.In addition, parents of all children under one year old receive a letter containing information about this disease and the risks involved. "Because there is a large group of parents in Barneveld who, for reasons of principle, do not vaccinate their children. We also want to inform this group of information about the risks so that they can decide for themselves whether or not they want to be vaccinated. It is the children in this age group who are most at risk.

PREGNANT WOMEN And a third action was launched. The GGD has contacted today all gynecologists, general practitioners and obstetricians from Barneveld with information on the vaccination of pregnant women. ,, This possibility is there and it is also wise now. Women who have been pregnant for less than 36 weeks can already take a dose against whooping cough, so that the child from birth is already somewhat protected against whooping cough.

Whooping cough is a contagious infectious disease in which the airways affect babies. According to the youth doctor Kelli van Gerven, the disease can cause permanent brain damage with extreme coughing. The GGD also informed the municipality of Barneveld about the pertussis situation. Schimmel: "For the sake of clarity, this concerns only the village of Barneveld, in other villages of this commune or in the surrounding communes it is not playing."

LOW VACCINATION COUNCIL occurs in Barneveld a few weeks after Barneveld's policy condemned the low vaccination rate. At the end of June, the newspaper reported that the vaccination rate in Barneveld was 69.3% lower than the national average of more than 90%. Currently, 27.8% of all Barneveld infants (children under two years of age) have not had an injection. Disturbingly, says the municipality Barneveld, who is working with a plan of action to vaccinate against childhood diseases in this municipality to get a higher level, including additional "immunization consultations" to the youth doctor and most importantly more communication on the importance of immunization against infectious diseases

A large part of the "no-skewers" is made up of people who do not do so for religious reasons, but national experts also see a growth from the group of "critical stings", people who fear the negative effects on health. 19659003] MORE INFO More information about whooping cough can be found at If you have any questions, please contact VGGM via 088 – 355 6500.

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