The length of the index and ring finger says something about your sexual preferences


This does not seem to be a myth: women whose ring and index differ in length are probably more likely to be lesbians.

That's what a new study reveals. Scientists measured the fingers of 18 identical twins, one heterosexual and the other homosexual. Lesbian women had an index finger and a ring finger that were not as long. In heterosexual women, they were the same length. The difference only applied to the left hand

The difference in finger length is a typical feature of the man. According to researchers at the University of Essex, this could be due to exposure to testosterone in the uterus. They also studied the fingers of identical male twins, one heterosexual and the other gay, but having found no connection. the scientists. "Because identical twins have one hundred percent of the same genes, but their sexual preferences may differ, other genetic factors must play a role," says the researcher Tuesday, Watts.

"Research suggests that our orientation is determined in the womb and depends on the amount of male hormones or the way our body reacts to these hormones.Someone who is exposed to higher levels of testosterone is more likely to be bi or homosexual, "says Watts

" Since there is a link between the amount of hormones and the length of the finger, the hands can say something about women's sexual preferences, "concludes the researcher.

Source: BBC
Photo: Studio CP / HH

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