From mid-October, an advertising code applies to advertising for medical aesthetic treatments performed by doctors. The code was developed through a grant from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports and was prepared by the Dutch Foundation for Aesthetic Medicine. The code is part of the Dutch advertising code and therefore applies to all advertisers in the sector
The code contains various rules. Advertising, for example, is not allowed to impose time constraints and should not encourage people to undergo more treatments than necessary. Advertising can not focus on minors. There must also be no deception or misrepresentation about the results of treatment or risks. Warranties relating to the transaction or result are not permitted and any claim must be supported by sufficient and verifiable evidence.
Minister Bruno Bruins of the Department of Medical Care and Sport is convinced that the industry has written this code. "Cosmetic medical treatments are never risk free, it is important that people are properly and correctly informed about this, and this advertising code can make a useful contribution."
https://www.reclamecode.nl/nrc/ pagina.asp? paginaID = 294 & deel = 2
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