A tiger mosquito found in fifteen municipalities


This year, tiger mosquitoes were found in fifteen municipalities. This is clear from the latest catch data recently published by the Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority (NVWA). According to the platform of the Stop Invasive Alien Foundation, the record of last year (ten municipalities) is far exceeded. In the vast majority of cases, depending on the platform, a link can be established with the import of used tires and the Lucky Bamboo ornamental plant. The platform will ask the Minister of Health to take coercive measures against these companies.

Tiger mosquitoes can transmit more than 20 viruses to humans and animals, such as dengue and zika. Vaccines or drugs are often not available for these diseases and can sometimes lead to death. Transmission of the disease can also occur without the mosquito first biting an infected person, because the "mother mosquito" can transmit the virus to its offspring.

Historical data on tiger mosquitoes

According to the platform, it is certain or according to historical information. Very plausible data, that in at least eight municipalities, tire manufacturers import tiger mosquitoes. It concerns Etten-Leur (found on August 14), Lelystad (May 31, June 18 and July 27), Noordoostpolder (June 15), ]. ] Almere (20 June), Montfoort (19 July, 10 and 15 August, 13, 21 and 28 September), Hardenberg (May 31 and June 11), Assen (June 15, July 9 and 26) and Weert (June 14, July 5 and 11 and August 1). In this last municipality, the tiger mosquito was even created during many years of continuous imports.

Lucky Bamboo

According to the opinion of the platform, it is plausible that the discoveries of Lansingerland (February 2) and Amstelveen (8 and 21 June and August 16) can be attributed to companies importing Lucky bamboo. The finds at Haarlemmermeer (June 1st, June 26th and August 16th) are probably made at Schiphol, according to the platform, as well as the discoveries of yellow fever (at twelve dates, between January 26th and August 9th). ). The discoveries of Aalten (May 4 and August 14) are a continuation of the discoveries made last year, despite the control exercised by the NVWA. According to the NVWA, the discovery of Arnhem (3 August) is probably explained by one or more tiger mosquitoes traveling by car with an Italian national. The sources of the conclusions of Westervoort (28 and 29 August, 7 and 17 September) and Eindhoven (19 September) are still unclear; The same goes for the discovery of one or more mosquitoes of yellow fever in Rotterdam (29 June 2018). The NVWA knows next year the number of mosquitoes caught on the site

Amendment of the Public Health Act

At the end of last year, the Public Health Act was changed. The Minister of Public Health is now responsible for the fight against exotic diseases. mosquitoes threatening the health of tire manufacturers. The minister was already for bamboo companies Lucky, based on the law on commodities. This amendment does not seem to have had a positive result according to the platform. The platform will ask the minister to take action against companies to prevent the importation and spread of tiger mosquitoes.

Source: Stop invasive alien foundation platform

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