Drentse Azc is about to burst – Drenthe – DVHN.nl


The CAC in Assen is almost full. The Emmen, Zweeloo and Hoogeveen sites also have few empty spaces.

The number of asylum seekers in the countries of the annuity has increased again in the last three months, after a period of national decline.


There are three causes for this, said spokesman Alet Bouwmeester of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). "The number of asylum applications in the Netherlands has increased since the summer, the housing of the licensees is lagging behind in many municipalities and the duration of the asylum procedures takes more than As long as desired, this causes clogging of the azc. "

Many sites are closed

Due to increased absorption, the COA currently lacks receiving locations. A total of 5,000 additional shelter spaces are needed in the Netherlands. Due to the previous decrease in intake, many reception venues have been closed. The center for asylum seekers was closed in Orange and could accommodate 700 asylum seekers in June 2017. Incidentally, the contract also ended with the owner, Hennie van der Most, so that the azc could not have stayed there anyway. In recent months, there have been only a few dozen inhabitants.

Most asylum seekers are from Syria, Eritrea, Iran, and Iraq

It is urgent to find new premises. Bouwmeester does not mean if the COA is already in discussion with the municipalities. "I can not say anything about it because the government is responsible for it."

Most asylum seekers in the Netherlands currently come from Syria, Eritrea, Iran, and Iraq. These nationalities also have the advantage in the countries of British Columbia to Drenthe. In the AZC, the COA tries as much as possible to mix families and singles.

In Assen, many children

Bouwmeester: "At times, it was not always possible, because the influx of singles was then more important.Now it is divided in equal parts and there is a mix between the two groups in the azc groups.There are currently many children in the azc at Assen.There are about 150 children out of a total of 1 000 inhabitants "

Staff Shortage

The COA (re) will open reception locations throughout the country in the coming months in order to cope with the influx of asylum. In Wassenaar, asylum seekers from Delfzijl, Hengelo and Den Helder will be taken care of. In addition to the lack of reception facilities, the ACO is currently working to find enough staff due to the labor market shortage.

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