A swimming pool closes a new slide after ten accidents in two weeks


Accidents ranged from severe vertigo to broken ankle. After the first accidents, a lifeguard gave instructions at the beginning of the slip and the distribution of water was adjusted. Despite this, people were still injured.

Depending on the pool, especially adults. "We also think that size and weight play a role, but that remains to be proven by the research," Jessica Oosten's spokesperson told RTL Nieuws.

Spectacular slide

Visitors to the pool have been able to enter the Crazy Cone since October 20th. They slide into a tube and enter a funnel. There, the person turns around until she lands in the pool by another tube. The toboggan in Ede attracted a crowd of visitors and broke records of holidays in autumn.

"People thought that it was a big, very dramatic slide," says East. "But the director found fifteen accidents too many in ten days and found it necessary to close the slide immediately."

Urgent consultation

The next few days there will be an emergency meeting between the pool manager, the slide maker and the municipality. "The slide will not open until we know what the cause is," says East. "Until then, it will remain closed."

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