A cowardly thief seizes a crate for a good cause Interior


Although there is not even much money in the box, the stolen contractor does not like it. "You stay away from other people's money." Basta! ", The clothes washer is shaking indignantly. He will report to the police on Monday, but he hopes the money thief will repent before that time. "Just let him come back and make an immediate apology because it does not look good."

Vacuum Cleaning

Nowadays, a number of young people aged 15 and 16 perform car wash cleaning. Youth for Action Save the Godwit, of which Schröder is one of the initiators. The goal is to raise a total amount of not less than 25,000 euros. These are the costs of a special drone, with which the nests of black-tailed ghosts can be traced in tall grass. "These young people receive a few cents for this work, and some even do it as a social internship, entirely voluntary," he explains.

The cowardly thief drives after his action in a dark colored Jaguar towards the center of the village. This is clearly seen in the animated images created by the many surveillance cameras installed around the car wash company.

The flight recorded on camera

"At first, I thought that a colleague might have placed the tray in the office, but nothing turned out to be less true. that on the surveillance footage we saw how this guy took the piggy bank and went to the front of the car wash first, then went back to his car and went to thrown on the back seat, "describes Geerten Kamphuis, an employee. "I do not know what he had originally planned, but then you can clearly see that he is moving away with the board, there was between 50 and 100. How can you be stupid for such a small sum? ", Kamphuis asks with astonishment.

The owner Schröder remains positive. "Despite this unexpected setback, we still assume there will be enough in all – and thankfully."

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