A fire breaks out again in the cowshed of Utrecht Werkhoven | Now


In a stable of cows on a farm in Werkhoven (Utrecht), a fire broke out in the night from Friday to Saturday. The same farmhouse on the Hollendewagenweg had already broken out earlier this week.

The barn is made up of two parts, said a spokesman for the fire department. On one side, there are cows and bulls and on the other side, straw and tools. The fire is raging in the last part. Firefighters try to prevent the fire from spreading on the other side, even though most animals are already outside.

The cause of the fire is currently the subject of an investigation. A person present at the time of the fire was checked for smoke inhalation. We do not know if he works on the farm.

On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, hay bales were on fire in the same livestock building. The farmer woke up in time, thanks to the bellowings and barking of his dog, and was able to save the cows. With a shovel, the farmer drove the burning hay bales to the outside.

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