A French study shows a consumption of biological connections and a lower risk of cancer


A new study indicates that the consumption of organic foods significantly reduces the risk of cancer. The researchers compared French adults regularly using organic products to people who had never eaten and found an overall reduction in cancer risk of 25%. According to the researchers, "a higher frequency of organic food consumption was associated with a lower risk of cancer". They also examined specific types of cancer and found that organic nutrition significantly reduced the risk of three of them: the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma was reduced by 86%, the risk of all forms of % and breast cancer risk after menopause 34%.

The research team claims that this reduction in cancer risk is related to a reduction in exposure to plant protection product residues in food. Organic standards prohibit the use of most synthetic plant protection products, which means that "organic products are less likely to contain plant protection product residues than conventional products"

For more information, visit: of the Organic Center

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