A roller coaster ride can help you with this painful condition


If you have ever had kidney stones, you know how painful you can be. American doctors have discovered a very original remedy. A ride in the roller coaster can help. Strange but true

Several patients informed doctors David Wartinger that they had been relieved of their kidney stones after a roller coaster ride and had decided to conduct their own research.

Twenty Rides

They made a number of artificial silicone kidneys, in which they used urine and kidney stones of different sizes. The artificial kidneys then made twenty trips on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad of Walt Disney World. On more than half of the trips (64%), kidney stones were released after a roller coaster ride and they disappeared to the ureter.

Rear Trolley

The calculations were released by the rapid changes of direction, vibrations and G-forces that are released during a roller coaster ride. To get the most out of it, doctors advise you to sit at the back of your favorite roller coaster. If you have kidney stones six millimeters or more, you can save yourself a ride in the roller coaster. Patients with such large kidney stones should have them removed differently.

Important Award

For this research, Wartinger and Mitchell received the Ig-Nobel Prize. This award awards researchers at the prestigious American University of Harvard that make people laugh before they start thinking about it. Other award-winning studies have shown that spit is an excellent cleansing product, that zoo monkeys also mimic humans and that human flesh contains very few calories.

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Source | RTL news
Photo iStock

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